2024 Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk
Cornerstone at Pedregal Elementary
Our Story
We will be walking together to raise funds for public education and children with special needs.
Please consider contributing toward our efforts today. We also would love to have you join us for a day of fun at the beach and an inspiring walk with friends to strengthen our schools and ensure inclusion for those with special needs.
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Denotes a Team Captain
Team Honor Roll
Marjorie Cunningham
Adelyn Moon
Sarah Benjamin
Tamara Hunter
Jennifer Hsu
Joellen Ou
Maddy Woo
Lucas Chan
Aiden Chang
Everly Chang
Mikey Citro
Valor Leung
Cassien Martens
Ian Lin
Isabella Chau
Jude Atkatz
Richard Shen
Christina Martens
Melinda Jankowski
Kristy Langus
Isabelle Wang
Vicky Kasper
Bryon Kasper
Gabi Citro
Jonathan Wu
Nathaniel Li
Lucy Chow
Maddox Babkow
Claire Kang
Krissy Citro
Ian Nishida
Jacqueline Sugarman
Mikhail Kovshilovsky
Angie Woo
Joey Jankowski
Alex Leventhal
Lyonel Martens
Levi Leventhal
Matthew Sugarman
Elisa Morreale
Aubrey Xu
Nathaniel Sugarman
Jackson Langus
Brendan Granger
Alex Wu
Julianna Martens
Joseph Lee
Jennifer Ji
Licia Jiang
Cherish Leung
Kyung Kelly Kang
Harvey Atkatz
Ryan Citro
Nathaniel Berenstein-Cervera
Armin Eftekhari
Caitlin Nguyen
Paul Lin
Derek Nation
Robert Li
Yean Chang
Lucas Chan
Layla Li
Anthony Chau
Clare Kasper
Rex Hori
Madison Wang
Tiffany Chan
Kevin Chan
Dean Atkatz
Allie Kang
Sonja Leventhal
Theodore Wang
James Nguyen
Jonathan Chang
Ting Wang
Ryland Shen
Jj Shaw
Jennifer Lin-Nguyen
Suhani Celly