2024 Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk
Team Burgner Towers
Our Story
We will be walking together to raise funds for public education and children with special needs.
Please consider contributing toward our efforts today. We also would love to have you join us for a day of fun at the beach and an inspiring walk with friends to strengthen our schools and ensure inclusion for those with special needs.
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Denotes a Team Captain
Team Honor Roll
ace sigler
Gma Betty
Devanshi Agrawal
Amira Ly
Manya Patel
Grandpa and Mimi
The Siglers
Kevin Wu
Jason Crooks
Cooper Joseph
Brian Onizuka
Josie Steffen
Grayson Comeau
Zachary Lance
Daniel Berger
Ken Takahama
Liam Crooks
Krisha Deshpande
Nate Federman
Kurt Burgner
Mrs. Abigail Burgner
Jax Steffen
Alan Adams
Kassia Onizuka
Danica Burgner
Raylan Foltz
Matilda Federman
Colin hu