2024 Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk
Carr Elementary School
Our Story
We will be walking in the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk to help make a difference! This important event is organized to raise funds for public education, national college scholarships, and children with special needs. Your support will help play a huge part in providing friendship and inclusion for our kids with varying abilities, as well as supporting critical education programs in our public schools.
We hope you can join us - virtually or in person! Please sign up to help fundraise for our school. The proceeds go directly to Carr and we are able to plan field trips, murals, and we hope to save for a digital marquee!
Thank you, Carr Community! We can do this!
-Dr. Argento and Team Carr
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Denotes a Team Captain
Team Honor Roll
Marguerite Flood
Susan Solorzano
Maria Barragan
Logan Borden
Diane Delgado
Olivia Abrazaldo
Ray Armijo (Hyun)
Diego Barragan
Austin Backers
Zoe Avalos
Lesley Williams
Tim Flood
Jacqueline Barragan
Linden Kim
Ashley Algenio
Maya Backers
Jonny Nava
Evellyn Lima
Brennan Kim
Diane Solorzano
Sarai Munoz
Brian Tull
Aiden Borden
Jeanne Coe
Ruby Tull
Erica McNicholas
Carl Abrazaldo-Bartlett
Penelope Tull
Christian De Larkin
Brittany Meenan
Miyuki Armijo (Hyun)
Chris Munoz
Cathleen Avalos
Jennifer Borden
Ashlee Munoz
Akiko Armijo (Shimizu)
Elaine Kim
Jacob Avalos
Penelope Abrazaldo
Paul Walker
Emi Armijo (Shimizu)
Santos De Larkin
Jonathan Nava
Grady Kim
Mrs. Niki Nava
David Kim
Mikayla Abrazaldo
Sarah Offord
Phoebe Tull
Amy Argento
Chris Backers